Wednesday, November 7, 2012

As Days go By

Since the electoral college has spoken and BHO is still our president I look towards the next four years.  Here and now I do have some concerns mainly because BHO will not be worrying about reelection this time around.  What does this mean for future policy?  I couldn't say for sure.  However, if things that he has said in the past or his past associations with radicals come into play it could mean that the American people just opened the gates to redistribution and a loss of freedoms.  I pray that this is not the case and I pray that the checks and balances that our fore bearers constructed hold strong (this is unlikely in the judicial branch since BHO has the opportunity to appoint two new judges) in the event that the worst does come to pass.

Many people were surprised that BHO was elected for a second term.  To them I say look at history.  The last time our country went through such a had time was the great depression and look who was president not for just two terms but for four (even though he died shortly into his fourth term).  FDR.  Mr. New Deal who keep the country limping along instead of trying to actually fix things.  Here is what we are in store for the next four years.  Policies that have no common sense and give people no motivation for getting out there to work or create jobs for American citizens here in the USA.  Once again I keep praying that no of this is true but since history repeats itself I can't imagine seeing anything else.

On another note I would very much like to know what happened in Benghazi on September 11.  I don't think that we will get the full truth since all the reports keep changing but as someone who cares deeply about our troops I would just like a straight forward answer.  No more of this political meandering and hemming and hawing.  Just tell the American people who knew what and why there was so much "confusion" about what was going on that night.  Four Americans are dead and we all deserve to know why, aside from the obvious terrorism aspect.

Now as I write all this I want people to know that I will respect the office of President and support him the best I can.  This does not mean that I will agree with him but that I will pray and hope that he has the best interest of America, the greatest country on this planet, at heart.